Wednesday 24 November 2010

Spencer Funnies

Spencer is quiet a character lately. He says the funniest things. Here are three things he has said in just the last few days.

Sunday we were sitting in church and he had this little ghost he was playing with. Lee said to him Spencer what is that. And Spencer said its a ghost dad, but dont worry its not real its only fake.

Yesterday he was playing Wii and Kaylee was being very annoying. She decided to throw one of her pre teen tantrums and stormed off upstairs. Spencer looked at both Lee and I and said I sure dont love her when she's annoying.

Today he is finally officially potty trained ( yay, he's only 3 1/2 yrs old, took long enough) Anyway I was up feeding Siena and I heard him up. Next I heard him using the bathroom which is a total shock because we've not worked on the night. So I was like well done buddy what a good boy you are. He looked at me and said Its not a big deal mom I am potty trained. Cheeky little boy.

Monday 8 November 2010


The other night I was pretty much up all night between a sick Spencer and a normal Siena I dont think I actually went to bed. Well one of the times I was in with Spencer Kaylee woke up she looked at me and said, Mommy you never sleep are you nocturnal? I just laughed. I feel nocturnal these days except the part where nocturnal animals sleep in the day cause I dont do that either. I just thougth it was funny.

Monday 1 November 2010


So Talan has been trying all night to balance a bottle on his head, he kept saying look, look, watch this......then it would fall off. So after about 10 minutes of trying all of a sudden he yells "Look, I am balanceable" I said, "You are Balanceable?" he confirmed "Yep, I can balance this so I am Balanceable, that means I can balance things on my body".