Wednesday 29 December 2010

He Told Her

So Trent called us and asked if we wanted to go over for Dessert and of coarse we were totally excited to hang out at their house! So Trent had his X-Box Connect on and we ended up splitting into teams. Trent put me and him and Talan on 1 team and Ryan, Anna and Jace on another. So about 5 minutes into it Anna asked "So What are the teams again" Jace did not even miss a beat he looked at her and with the most smart ass face he could muster up he said "You, Me & My dad, Want me to write it down for you". We laughed so hard. About 5 minutes later it was Ryan vs Trent at boxing and Ryan said, "well since Trent has beat me the past few times, I guess we know how this is going to end." Again Jace says "Dad you are just going to have to play like you have never played before". I just love the personality coming out in him! (Ryan won and they won the competition)

Tuesday 21 December 2010

I already told you

So we took Jace to see Talan in his Christmas program last week and at the end Santa came to see the kids, I tried talking the kids out of standing in the long line but they wanted to see Santa, well we finally got up to the front and Santa asked Jace what he wanted for Christmas, he gave him this "wow, really" look and said "I already told you at Tuchan". Yep, That's my boy!

Sunday 5 December 2010

An Engagement Offer

Last night we were watching Miracle on 34th Street and at the end a couple get married. Spencer looked up and me and said Mommy will you marry me? I said oh no sweetie Im already married. He then looked at me and asked well who am I going to marry then? I said I dont know you wont know until you grow up then you can find someone. He said but I already found someone.... You! I just smiled at him. Not sure what to really tell him. He is a sweetie.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Did you Burp?

Talan is like a blood hound, he is the first one to smell ANYTHING and points it out to all of us. So sitting on the couch tonight and Talan starts sniffing the air and looks at me, "did you burp," I said "No, why?" Talan said "Then what is it..... it smells good" I said "maybe the cookies in the oven", "Oh yea, that must be it".

"Can I convince you of something"

So tonight Ryan and I were sitting on the couch and Jace came out and said, "Excuse me, can I please have a minute to convince you something" We looked at each other and told him we were listening, he then pulled a piece of paper from behind his back and read it "Jace Kelly wants a Bunee. I Will take ker of it I promis I will." The he looks up and simultaneously we said "NO" The Talan said, "My Turn" He pulled out a paper from behind his back "Talan wonts a cat" we just laughed, our kids are so deprived.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Spencer Funnies

Spencer is quiet a character lately. He says the funniest things. Here are three things he has said in just the last few days.

Sunday we were sitting in church and he had this little ghost he was playing with. Lee said to him Spencer what is that. And Spencer said its a ghost dad, but dont worry its not real its only fake.

Yesterday he was playing Wii and Kaylee was being very annoying. She decided to throw one of her pre teen tantrums and stormed off upstairs. Spencer looked at both Lee and I and said I sure dont love her when she's annoying.

Today he is finally officially potty trained ( yay, he's only 3 1/2 yrs old, took long enough) Anyway I was up feeding Siena and I heard him up. Next I heard him using the bathroom which is a total shock because we've not worked on the night. So I was like well done buddy what a good boy you are. He looked at me and said Its not a big deal mom I am potty trained. Cheeky little boy.

Monday 8 November 2010


The other night I was pretty much up all night between a sick Spencer and a normal Siena I dont think I actually went to bed. Well one of the times I was in with Spencer Kaylee woke up she looked at me and said, Mommy you never sleep are you nocturnal? I just laughed. I feel nocturnal these days except the part where nocturnal animals sleep in the day cause I dont do that either. I just thougth it was funny.

Monday 1 November 2010


So Talan has been trying all night to balance a bottle on his head, he kept saying look, look, watch this......then it would fall off. So after about 10 minutes of trying all of a sudden he yells "Look, I am balanceable" I said, "You are Balanceable?" he confirmed "Yep, I can balance this so I am Balanceable, that means I can balance things on my body".

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Toe Nail Fairy

So the other day Aspin dropped a big rock on her toe and really hurt it. She came to me today and said mom it feels like my toe nail is coming up. So I looked at it and said that is because it is coming up! She got all scared and said what. I told her that her toe nail is going to fall off and she will get another one. That is when she asked "Is there a toe nail fairy like the tooth fairy" Brian and I had a really good laugh!!


So this is from my bro's daughter (Rylee, 3 yrs) she said the funniest thing to Ty when she first met him.

She was terrified of Ty at first and wouldn't go near him, so I told him to do a puzzle with her cause it's her favorite thing to do. He did the puzzle with her and they were instant friends. She looked at him and said "now I have 3 best friends (names 2 friends) and you". She pointed up at Ty all excited. A few minutes later I pointed to Ty and said Rylee what's your best friend's name? "Paco" she anounced confidently. My whole family lost it, I don't think Ty could breathe he was laughing so hard. We later found out that my little sister had been telling Rylee about her boyfriend Parker and Rylee thought Ty was Parker but when she announced the name her 3 yr old voice slurred the r's. She called him "Paco" for a while after that.

Why are you so white?

When Ty and I were in St. George for Trent and Anna's wedding, I was hanging out with Dez and Aspin when Aspin looked at me all puzzled, "Why is your skin so white? I just looked at mine and then looked at yours and my skin is darker." She was legitimately confused. I then spent the next few minutes laughing and trying not to pee my pants. When I looked over at her again she still had that puzzled look on her face so I gave her an answer. "Because your mommy has beautiful olive skin and my mommy doesn't." She had no idea what I was talking about.
I decided I should have gone with "because I'm Bella" it would have been less confusing.

Monday 11 October 2010

Ahhhhh Mommy's lost her willy

Today Spencer was down stairs watching Little Einsteins and Siena was a sleep so I decided to go and catch a much needed HOT bath. I told Spencer where I was and went upstairs. Within 3 minutes he was up there slashing his hands about in the water. Next thing I know he looks at me and gasps for air. I said whats wrong Spencer? He said I hate to tell you (you know so matter of fact because no he's not 3, he is more like 20) but I think you have lost your Willy. He was really concerned and I said Spencer remember girls dont have Willy's and he looked at me so confused and said, but your not a girl your a mom. So then I had to explain that moms are girls. I think we got it all straight now.

Extra Life

So firstly to understand this next funny fully you must understand that Kaylee (6) and Spencer (3) are completely obsessed with the Wii and with playing Mario Brothers. They are pretty much just obsessed with Mario to be honest. Spencer wishes he could be Mario and Kaylee wants everything to do with Yoshi.

Right so the other night Lee and I were going out to dinner. I picked up the babysitter whom the children LOVE and when we got back straight away they were out of their bedroom, it was past their bed time and Lee put them to be while I picked up Maddie, and were downstairs to say hello. I then said right I dont want either of you to come out of your beds again. Its time to go to sleep. Kaylee then said can we come out if the other one is dying? I looked at her (you know that you are being silly look moms give their children) and said yes Kaylee is someone is dying you can come out. Then Spencer said phew thats good cause If I Kaylee die eeds to come and get you so that you can give me an extra life.

I looked at him and just said get back in bed.

Its funny how real he thinks these games are. Sad really.

Monday 4 October 2010

Thunder what...

So it has been sotrming here the last few days and we had a bunch of thunder and lightning going on. Cohen is pretty scared of it so he was inside most of the time. Well he came over to me and said "mom it was thundering and lightning and then Thunder came out of my mouth" It was so funny Brian said he must have opened his mouth just as it started to thunder

Jace vs Ava

So Jace was looking through some pictures on the camera and stopped in his tracks when he came to a picture that made him ANGRY. So he says "I can not believe it, I have told Ava over again she is not allowed to eat in the living room and her is a picture of her eating a Roll... well not a roll it is one of those things you make when you make Biscuits & Gravy" Ryan said "A biscuit" He continues "Yes a biscuit, you know mom, when I am not around you are going to have to be in charge and tell her not to eat in the living room."

My Other Friends Call her......

Saturday we had a friend of Talan's over, and he asked Talan,"I need to ask your mom something, what do I call her", and Talan said "Well my other friends all call her Aunt Misty" So Jimmy turned to me and said, "Hey Aunt Misty, can I have a drink of Kool-Aid" It was soo cute!

Sunday 3 October 2010

Popcorn Popping

Another conference one. We were watching this afternoon and we said look Spencer they are going to sing a song. And he said oh good I hope its popcorn popping with the actions. We all (we had friends over) just bust up laughing. Can you imagine the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing Popcorn popping and doing the actions? That would be one hell of a General Conference.

But he cant see anyway!!

We were watching conference this afternoon and the speaker had glasses on. Spencer got in front of the TV and Lee said to him Spencer move we cant see. And Spencer turned around looked at him and as serious as anything he said Daddy he cant see anyway he is blind, look at his glasses. It was really funny.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Can I have this?

So last night we were at walmart and Cohen found a gun that he wanted. I told him that he couldnt buy it. So he could just hold it until we were ready to check out and he turned to me and said " I will give you 2 tickets if you let me buy it" I had no clue where that came from!!! Kind of funny!

Friday 1 October 2010

Can I say a bad word?

So the boys were cleaning their room, struggling to get it done. So I went in the room and said "I will help you if you continue to clean". They agreed so I sat down by the closet and Talan came over and while handing a toy to me to put away he said "Our room has a lot of...... (then he looks at me with a smirk) well can I say a bad word without getting in trouble?" so I looked at him and said, Why? Then smiled and said "Well lets just say we have a lot of CRAP in our room".

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Fighting over Girls

Ok, So I will start.

The other day I was picking the boys up from School and Jace asked me to have Malia (His day care girlfriend) to stop hugging him, so I did, I talked to the teachers and got it all taken care of for him. Then the next day on the way home he said "So Guess what mom, I have a new Girlfriend", so I asked him " Jace is that why I had to tell Malia to stop hugging you" He said, "Yea, My new Girlfriend Taylor is getting mad" I just started laughing, until I heard Talan say "WAIT, you mean my girlfriend Taylor is now your girlfriend Taylor too?" That is when I hit the floor laughing.