Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Spencer is so funny because you would say something from England is English he calls American things Americish. He asked me yesterday if since Izzy was born in America if she will speak Americish rather than English. He makes me laugh.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Funny Spencer

We went Trick or Treating just like everyone else this past week. At one point Spencer came running back to me. He had just been to a house which had Chinese banners on either side of the door, I'm unsure what the banners said. Spencer came running to me and asked a very serious question, " mom, how do you say Trick or Treat in Spanish?" I was very confused. I told him I wasn't sure and that he could just say Trick or Treat in English. I then asked him why do you need to know how to say it anyway? He answered, " that house there, they have Spanish signs on the front door and I want to make sure I ask in their language so they understand me." I smiled and told him not to worry about it. He is so thoughtful. Though it would have been kind of funny to ask some Chinese people for candy in Spanish with a cute British accent :)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Girl trouble

Jace told me he has 2 girls in his class who have recently told him, they like him. So I asked him if he liked any of the girls, he got this look on his face then he said "well they are both nice and they are both pretty, but one is a little fat and I like skinny girls so, I like the skinny one". ...... And so it begins....

Friday, 18 May 2012

A Toy for the bath

Tank asked me yesterday if I could go get him a toy to play with in the bath and I told him, we do not have time, wash up and get out. He got this smile on his face and said, "Mom, if you do not get me something to play with I will be forced to play with my weiner". Why is it that I can not hold it together long enough to walk out of the room? :~}

Question for All ya All's

How is it that I have the least amount of kids but yet most of the stories?????