Wednesday 9 March 2011

Its always Ava...

Ok so a few quick little stories.......
1: This morning i was in a rush to get dressed and ready for the day kind of stressed out and was getting dressed and Ava was like mom, mom, mom, MOMMY..... So of course i turned around and said WHAT..... and cute little Ava was holding my bra and said i didnt want you to forget to put your boobs on before we leave. I was laughing so hard.....

2: Again Ava anyone that has ever dressed Ava knows for some reason she always complains about putting her pants on. So this morning i was trying to get her to put on her pants and i had a few pairs just as a back up in case she would not wear the first ones that i would attempt to make her put on.. So anyways i start to say " here Ava put these on" and as i sit waiting to here her fight me she simple walks up and says i don't think you want me to wear those ones and i said oh really why? And she said well those pants right there give me attitude. and those pants right there make me whine so i dont think i should wear any pants unless you want to have a bad day... how do i not laugh at that.... I love my kids


  1. I seriously laughed out loud when I read this. So funny. Ava is a hoot!! love her to bits! Love you too Britt!

  2. I laughed out loud when I read this too! I just love her!
