Thursday 6 January 2011

Smarty pants

So of my 2 boys, Talan is not the one I assume will be smarter then I am.......... We were on our way to school today and I asked him how high he could count and he decided to show me rather then tell me and counted to 100. Then I asked him about his ABC's, he gave me this, "wow mom that is so easy look" and said his ABC's as fast as he could. So then I said "Ok if you are so smart, say them backwards" Again he glared......and then Started......ZYXWVUTS..... etc he got caught up on a couple letters but for the most part, he did it, and I for 1 was shocked! I could not believe my 5 year old just recited (for the most part) his ABC's Backwards!

1 comment:

  1. Flippin HEck what a smartie pants!! Well Done Talan!!
